The best gifts for gardeners & hobby gardeners

For a special occasion, gardeners and hobby gardeners clean up their beloved garden especially beautiful. After all, the guests should make big eyes when they enter the groomed lawn. Are you invited too? Then of course you have to play busy bee and get an adequate gift for the gardener. Because we don’t want you to waste a lot of time and possibly not even find what you’re looking for, we’ll take you by the hand and accompany you on your gift search. On this page you will find the best gifts & gift ideas for gardeners and hobby gardeners!


Personalized gifts for landscapers and gardeners

Even a gardener will be happy if you give him a personalized gift. After all, not everyone owns a wooden tool, a rake, a shovel or a metal watering can with an engraved name. Find out from which manufacturers you can have something personalized made.


Gifts for gardeners - Everything you should know!

Professional and amateur gardeners are real icing on the cake. Everything in their sacred garden must look perfectly manicured. So don’t be surprised if your favorite person also has high expectations for a gift. So that you don’t get lost in the product maze, we’ve put together a guide for you.

  • You will find a gardener in the garden. A gift for a gardener, however, you will not. But where you can look is on the Internet, in the nearest gardening supply, hardware store or any other store.

  • Commerce is a maze. So do not search without brains, but first ask yourself why and for whom you need the gift. You also need to know how much money you want to spend on it.

  • Do not dare to ask his majesty, the gardener, about his desires! For that is not proper! Rather turn to his servants: Friends and family. They will help you.

  • A gardener is happy to receive useful, extravagant, cool, funny and unique gifts. Feel free to go wild. But do not buy anything of poor quality!

  • Should you have enough time, desire and creativity, you can also make your own gift for the gardener.

1 How to find the right gift for gardeners

Your favorite gardener knows how to handle his flowers, trees, shrubs, fruits and vegetables – but you yourself lack the green thumb? Don’t worry about it! That won’t stop you from finding the perfect gift for an (amateur) gardener. With our guide, we’ll make sure you find it 100%.

1.1 Budget

Ah yes, money rules the world – also when it comes to gifts. Before you even start looking for a suitable present for a gardener, you should ask yourself the following: “Do I want to spend 10, 20, 50 or over 100€?” The more certain you are on this point, the easier it will be for you to choose your gift. A good advice: compare prices on different websites or flip through magazines with current offers if you want to save a bit. You’ll usually find a price hit or two.

1.2 Occasion

Do you even know what occasion is coming up? Are you going to make your favorite gardener’s garden unsafe for his (round) birthday, Christmas or Easter? You should know that in any case. After all, the “why?” plays a big role when it comes to gift hunting. After all, not every present suits every occasion.

1.3 Age

How old is or will the gardener in question be? Is the flower lover just in his prime or are the first leaves already starting to wither? What I want to tell you is that when choosing a gift for a gardener, you must always take into account their age group.

1.4 Person

You know your favorite gardener inside and out, like he knows his own garden? Great! Then hopefully you know what he likes to do in his spare time when he’s not out in nature with his shears and rake. Give him a gift that matches his second or third favorite activity.

1.5 Demand

Can it be that the garden master urgently needs something that is not yet in his inventory? Or is there some utensil that just bit the dust? Think about what could make a gardener’s heart beat faster before you start looking for a gift for a gardener. 


2 The best gift ideas for gardeners

In order for a flower lover to work, he must be equipped with the right tools. What in any case should not be missing here: spade, setting wood, shovel, rake, scissors, weeder, ax, watering can and garden hose. A die-hard gardener should have all of these in his repertoire. But the situation may be different for an amateur gardener. If he has not yet gathered all the utensils, you need to change that in any case.

If you work in the garden, you will quickly get dirty. So that the beautiful clothes of your favorite person is not affected, you should give him a gift of a work outfit. You can buy special gardening pants and jackets, rubber boots and gardening gloves. Thorns, soil and water cannot harm them. Of course, you should know what size the gardener wears and what colors and patterns he likes.

If your favorite gardener is a big fan of exotic flowers, herbs and special fruits and vegetables, the ideal gift is a small seed set. In stores you can find almost everything your heart desires in this regard. The whole thing looks super nice when you fill the purchased seeds in homemade seed bags or packets.

A well-maintained garden already makes something visually. But it looks even more beautiful when it is decorated. Give your flower lover a gas stove or another fireplace that can be set up. Very popular are also large clay figures, bird fountains, colorful birdhouses, solar lanterns in a variety of ways and freaky fairy lights.

Who says a gardener can only work the old-fashioned way in his second home? In the modern world, there are enough high-tech devices that have established themselves as extremely useful helpers. These include, for example, a robotic mower, an electric hedge trimmer, an electric shrub shear, a turbo trimmer or a leaf vacuum. Yes, these gift ideas are a bit more expensive – but they are really things that the gardener can do something with.

There’s nothing better than sitting in the garden and relaxing with a good book in your hands. If your favorite garden master feels the same way and loves to read, you should send him some new reading material.

Should the gardener ever need some time out, there are the perfect gifts for this: a hammock, a Hollywood swing or a hanging chair. All three can be easily integrated into the respective garden, are a real eye-catcher and provide pure relaxation.

Small technology stuff also facilitates the work in the garden. Does your flower lover already own an electronic weather station with an integrated rain gauge? No? Well, then it’s high time. Another gardening gadget that’s great for gift giving is a smart-home watering system for the garden. It knows at any time when and how much water all plants need.

You can also make your own gift for the gardener. You can make him a great joy with homemade plant signs. All you need are large plate, cup or flower pot shards and acrylic paints. You can also make an insect hotel super easy. Take a look at some instructions on the Internet.


3 The gift should come from the heart!

What you decide at the end of your search and what kind of gift you press into the hands of your flower friend, is actually secondary.  First and foremost, it’s about bringing great joy. This works best if your present comes from the heart. Then your favorite gardener knows that he means something to you.


4 How much should cost gifts for gardeners?

Price ranges can sometimes vary widely for gifts for (hobby) gardeners. From to everything is included. You’ve probably already noticed that. Therefore, you must have a firm idea to be able to calculate more easily with your finances. Expensive souvenirs are ideal for special occasions. Small gifts that are simply meant as a “thank you” don’t have to be so expensive.


5 Conclusion

You don’t have to dig up half the garden, ehm trade, to finally find what you’re looking for. That takes a lot of time and energy. If you want to have a gift for a (hobby) gardener, it is quite enough to take our tips to heart. After all, we’ll give you plenty of ideas when it comes to choosing the perfect gift. Something that will please your favorite person is sure to be there. Believe me, as soon as you present your floral friend with the perfect gift, they’ll be jumping for joy.


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